Cataract Surgery Specialist

Comprehensive Ophthalmology located in Libertyville, IL

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Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a common eye condition often associated with aging. When eyeglasses or contact lenses no longer keep your vision clear because of cataracts, then you need cataract surgery. At North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians, Brian J. Jacobs, MD, and Julie B. Pearlman, MD, specialize in cataract surgery. They do the procedures at Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville. Call the office in Libertyville, Illinois, today or request an appointment online to schedule a consultation.

Cataract Surgery Q & A

What are cataracts?

A common condition brought on by aging, cataracts cloud the eye’s lens. As you get older, the proteins in your eye start to break down and clump together, causing a cataract.

You might not notice the cloudy lens at first, but as the condition gets worse, it starts to cause blurry or cloudy vision. Initially, the team at North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians treats your vision changes with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Eyeglasses and contact lenses can help keep your vision clear for many years.

When do I need cataract surgery?

You need cataract surgery when eyeglasses and contact lenses no longer improve your vision, and the cataracts affect your quality of life. Cataract surgery is among the most common surgeries done in the United States.

After a thorough eye exam, Dr. Jacobs or Dr. Pearlman determines if you need cataract surgery.

What happens during cataract surgery?

The North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians team performs cataract surgery at Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes.

The ophthalmologists will use various techniques to remove the cloudy lens. Some of these techniques include:

Traditional cataract surgery

During the traditional surgical procedure, your surgeon removes the lens with a scalpel and replaces it with an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens (IOL).


Phacoemulsification is a minimally invasive technique. This tool uses high-frequency ultrasound to break up the cloudy lens and suction away the pieces of the lens.

Your surgeon places the IOL behind the iris and pupil in the same place as your natural lens. They close the incision and put a protective cover over the eye, which you wear throughout your recovery.

This technique uses smaller incisions for a faster recovery.

Laser-assisted technology

Sometimes the team will remove the cataract lens using laser-assisted technology.

How long is recovery from cataract surgery?

The time it takes to recover from cataract surgery varies, but in most cases, complete recovery takes about a month.

The North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians team provides instructions on how to take care of your eye during recovery. You hasten the healing process and prevent complications like an infection by strictly following the instructions.

Call the office or request an appointment online today to schedule your cataract surgery consultation with the surgical experts at North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians.