Diode Specialist

Comprehensive Ophthalmology located in Libertyville, IL

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Some patients with glaucoma don’t show sufficient improvement with their first treatments. If you’re one of them, a diode laser could be the solution. At their offices in Libertyville, Illinois, the board-certified eye doctors of North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians can assess your suitability for diode laser treatment. They use the latest MicroPulse® laser technology to reduce pressure buildup in your eye and preserve your sight. Call North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians today or book an appointment online to see if diode laser treatment can help with your glaucoma.

Diode Q & A

What is a diode laser?

A diode laser is a device that reduces the pressure in your eye when you have glaucoma. It works by stopping some of the cells inside your eye from producing fluid. This process is called diode cyclophotocoagulation.

North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians uses the cutting-edge Iridex® MicroPulse P3® Glaucoma Device (MP3) with the CYCLO G6 Glaucoma Laser System. MicroPulse technology causes less tissue damage than other methods, making it much safer.

Why would I need diode laser treatment?

Your eye doctor at North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians might recommend diode laser treatment if you have glaucoma. This common condition happens when pressure builds up in your eyeball.

Your body constantly tops up the aqueous fluid inside your eye, and the excess drains away, ensuring that the pressure in your eye stays the same. When you have glaucoma, the drain in your eye is partially or entirely blocked. Excess fluid can’t drain away, so it collects and raises the pressure in your eye. Without treatment, optic nerve damage and sight loss follow.

North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians offers specialized care for glaucoma patients. In most cases, eye drops or in-office procedures like selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) succeed in reducing eye pressure. If they don’t work for you, your eye doctor can use the diode laser instead.

The diode laser is advantageous when glaucoma has already caused some sight loss and patients are experiencing significant eye pain. The diode laser controls pain and preserves your vision. Your eye doctor might also recommend diode laser treatment if glaucoma surgery is too high a risk for you.

What happens when I have diode laser treatment?

North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians usually does diode laser treatment on an outpatient basis. Most patients don’t need a general anesthetic, so you’ll be awake during the procedure.

Your surgeon first numbs the eye and surrounding area and covers the other eye. They then clip the eyelids back and apply the diode laser to the surface of your eye. You shouldn’t feel any pain during your diode laser treatment.

It takes around 30 minutes to complete the procedure. You have drops and ointments in the treated eye and a patch covering it that you leave on for 4-6 hours. When you’re home, follow the instructions for applying more medication to your eye.

Call North Shore Glaucoma Center & Eye Physicians today or book an appointment online if you want to know more about diode laser treatment and how it can help you.